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Top 10 Signs of Financial Wellness: Are You Financially Healthy? Top 10 Signs of Financial Wellness: Are You Financially Healthy? Financial wellness is more than just having a good income or saving a portion of your salary. It encompasses a comprehensive understanding...
8 Incredible Benefits of Joining a SACCO

8 Incredible Benefits of Joining a SACCO

SACCOs in Kenya are on the rise, and investing in one could be very profitable. A SACCO is a self-help, unique member-driven, and democratic cooperative. It is governed, owned, and managed by its members, who share a common bond like a labour union, work for the same...
How to budget using the 50-30-20 rule

How to budget using the 50-30-20 rule

The 50-30-20 rule is a popular method for allocating the different spending categories in a personal budget. The rule directs 50% of your after-tax income to necessities, 30% to things you don’t need but want, and the remaining 20% to debt repayment and/or...
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